How to install a carbon monoxide alarm?
More people than ever have died from carbon monoxide poisoning. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the dangers and to take safety measures. One way to do this is by installing a carbon monoxide alarm. These alarms are designed to measure the level of carbon monoxide and provide a timely warning when this level becomes too high.
Wat is koolstofmonoxide?
Carbon monoxide (CO) is an extremely toxic gas that cannot be detected by smell, taste or colour. This is why it is often called "the silent killer". CO is released when there is incomplete combustion. This can occur indoors from boilers, ovens, fireplaces and cookers, but also outdoors from cars, trucks and small engines. When carbon monoxide builds up inside the home, it poisons the people and pets present. It enters the bloodstream and prevents the blood from absorbing oxygen. Symptoms may include headaches, confusion, drowsiness, burning eyes and loss of consciousness. The longer you are exposed to the gas, the worse the symptoms become.
Carbon monoxide alarm installation
To ensure the best use of a CO alarm, it is important to know where exactly in the house it should be placed. Because carbon monoxide mixes with air, placing detectors throughout the home is certainly not redundant. The minimum advice is to place an alarm in every room where combustion takes place. For extra safety, place extra alarms in every room.
Where should the carbon monoxide alarm be placed?
If the CO source (e.g. fireplace, oven, stove) is present in the room, the CO Alarm must be installed in a specific location. It can be attached to the ceiling and wall.
If the CO source (e.g. fireplace, oven, stove) is present in the room, the CO Alarm must be installed in a specific location. It can be attached to the ceiling and wall.
If it is not possible to mount the CO alarm on the ceiling, place it on the wall. Be sure to keep a distance of 15-80 cm from the ceiling, but always place the detector above doors or windows. Again, place 1-3 meters away from the CO source.
Sloping ceiling
If you have a sloped ceiling, position the detector horizontally between 1 and 3 meters from the CO source. Mount on the high side of the sloped ceiling.
If the CO source is not in the room, it is recommended that the CO alarm is placed at breathing height. Place the alarm at the height of the activities being undertaken. Do people often sit on the sofa in the living room? Place the detector at sitting height.
Replacing carbon monoxide alarms
Carbon monoxide alarms do not last forever and must be replaced. Make a note of the end date on the replacement label after purchase so there is no doubt about the end date. Even if the battery is still working, the alarm should be replaced. CO Alarms have a chemical sensor that functions for the specified service life starting from the time of installation. The first activation of the alarm starts the chemical process. Afraid to forget to replace the alarm? Subscribe to the Smartreminder service free of charge at and have Smartwares send you a reminder about testing, cleaning and replacing all alarms in your home.